PDQpatterns is a one person business, just me, making patterns on an old computer in my basement, with my favorite of all times program CorelDRAW which I first was introduced to by my son way back in the 1980s, the very first version I think.
I enjoy the challenge of producing something artistic with the constraints given to me by special requests.
Check out my other sites, http://gospelglass.com which is dedicated to trying to find out what the "eternal" power is, http://memory-beads.com , dedicated to remembering the eternal as the ultimate expression of "love", from things found and things treasured, and http://estainedglasspatterns.com which was a lark, and hopefully will be high-complexity patterns different from the usual pattern posted on this site, and http://thankuscience.com which was begun during my career as a scientist and a fun site just mostly for decorated eggs http://eggsorcism.com