Dozens of hearts


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This pattern is for the dozens of unborn children that die to abortion, because of stupid-ass men who think they can possess women, who use their gender authority to persuade women into sex, and by women who are vulnerable (as nature intended they be, so for the procreation of the species) and unknowingly participate in order to fee loved.  This pattern is for my own near-death illegal abortion performed by my then boyfriend who had no concern nor morality, nor has any now, who still has never admitted any wrong doing, and for my children, all of which had conceived before being married, and the jillions of other women who are pressed into think sex is a substitute for love, devotion and caring, and to the jillions of men who should bear the responsibility for abortion along with the women.  You dumb ass men who vote for such, like the scene from the bible....  if you are without guilt,  they you may judge. 

As for our mostly right wing and male-centric-superior supreme court justices, you are the pharisees.

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