custom stained glass pattern gallery
Customer's Gallery
window cling from funky window art
window cling from funky window art
window cling dove
carousel horse3
Sue Gausby just continues to be a prolific window cling maker, and this is a technique that all of us should try. And her URN, BERRIES and flowers cling is fantastic. Visit her website FunkyWindowArt
Sue Severns made this great transom for her vintage house (built in 1890) by cleverly adding the ornamentation on either end of the Old English B pattern. One could make a whole set of letters similarly.
ornamental B transom
Maggie Moschuk made the six complicated and beautiful windows below, which have a certain mystical quality to them. Great work.
stained glass lamp mountain lion stained glass
stained glass castle insterior
maiden archer wizzard
stationXII of christ stained glass pattern
Barbara did a great job on this sensitive topic, (StationXII of Christ) making a rounded panel with beautifully selected glass, find pattern